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Digiflavor Fuji GTA Series-New Innovative Hybrid Tanks with Central-positioned Coils

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Digiflavor Fuji GTA Series-New Innovative Hybrid Tanks with Central-positioned Coils Empty Digiflavor Fuji GTA Series-New Innovative Hybrid Tanks with Central-positioned Coils

Message  heaven gifts Jeu 28 Juil 2016 - 4:55

The hybrid RDTA tanks are on fire. The new emerging brand Digiflavor brings a new bombs to the market, that is the Digiflavor Fuji GTA tank. Apart from the existing RDTAs in the market, Fuji GTA placed the coil deck in the middle of the tank, and adopted a genesis and velocity style separately on its single and dual coils tank version.

"A central-positioned coil deck so far is the most optimizing solution for a hybrid tank", according to Digiflavor's claim. One hand, the coil chamber is much closer to the drip tip compared to a bottome coil tank version, which makes the vapor travel with less obstacle, this way the flavor is much purer without too much condensation fuss. Another hand, it solves the dry burnt issue of top coil top deck tank version.

The most outstanding part of the Fuji GTA tank is its "vacuum" effect. A central-position deck makes sure the coil itself saturated most of the time, but it does not mean the coil soaked in the e-liquid. The pressue between liquid and air protect the e-juice from leaking inside of the coil chamber, which ensure the purity of the taste of the vapor. How amazing that is!

Digiflavor brings 2 version of Fuji GTA tank, one is the single coil verison, much easier for beginners to build, another is dual coil version,a flavor-chasing oriented option.Plus its top airflow, this is the new RDTA hybrid tank worth your trying.

GTA structure with chamber closer to drip tip provide purer flavor
Airflow straight to coil, easy to wick
GTA combines the advantages of Vacuum and Genesis
Smooth liquid flow, no leaking, no burn taste

To find more info about Digiflavor Fuji GTA tanks, please check here and watch the RIP Trippers's review above:

Don't forget to use the "AHGEVAPE" code to get an extra 8% off discount.

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Date d'inscription : 22/12/2015

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