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Introducing Vapeonly RDAs and RDTAs, Your New Choice For Coil Building

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 Introducing Vapeonly RDAs and RDTAs, Your New Choice For Coil Building  Empty Introducing Vapeonly RDAs and RDTAs, Your New Choice For Coil Building

Message  heaven gifts Jeu 4 Aoû 2016 - 1:41

Vapeonly also released two new RDAs and two RDTAs, called Falcon, Endor, Aston, and Irezumi respectively. All come with solid built body and excellent performance.

Falcon atomizer is exquisitely designed atomizer with new structure. Anti splash design and large space on the deck, it reaches 2.5ml e-liquid with one dropping. It will bring you better vaping experience than you can imagine.

 Introducing Vapeonly RDAs and RDTAs, Your New Choice For Coil Building  HM64R95

1. Compact and delicate.
2. Anti splash design, and cooling fins in vape tunnel.
3. 2.5ml e-liquid capacity, easy top filling.
4. Equipped with a glass mouthpiece to prevent overheating.
5. More convenient to operate with a bigger deck.

Endor is a very distinctive RDA atomizer, which has a very originally designed bilateral structure tank, one side is e-lqiuid container, the other one is coil space. The tank has the e-liquid containing function as an RTA device, it can also work with a RDA dropping style. It is convenient to install coil and very flexible.

 Introducing Vapeonly RDAs and RDTAs, Your New Choice For Coil Building  SPTN0l0

1. Original bilateral structure tank design.
2. Great vaping experience, various coiling styles.
3. 3.5ml tank capacity.
4. Distinctive patten design, vape with personality.

Aston keeps the characteristics of RDA atomizer to a large extent, also it has new oil store function. It will bring you a cozier vaping experience.

 Introducing Vapeonly RDAs and RDTAs, Your New Choice For Coil Building  0wHoOxg

1,Keep the RDA functions to the greatest extent.
2,Glass mouthpiece
3, Convenient to refill liquid, compatible with all types of bottles.

Irezumi RDTA is a very distinctive RDTA atomizer, which has a very originally designed double tank. There are 3 advantages of this upper tank, firstly the volume is doubled, secondly it contributes to cooling the vapor down, last but not least it makes top filling possible. All these 3 advantages make Irezumi atomizer a big volume and easy top filling tank, also keep the great taste of the traditional RDTA devices.

 Introducing Vapeonly RDAs and RDTAs, Your New Choice For Coil Building  Dhy376B

1. Two tiers tank design, two tanks connected to each other.
2. Convenient top filling.
3. Original wavy thermal design.
4. 4ml big volume tank design.
5. Tattoo patten design, vape with personality.

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Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2015

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